Casey Moorman
Yoga was always in my periphery but I was ultimately pushed to start a serious practice in 2012 as a way to manage my depression and anxiety. Because I didn’t know any better, I walked into an Ashtanga class as pretty much a beginner. I had no idea what I was in for… Ashtanga is a pretty wild place to start as a beginner, but my teacher was so kind and welcoming and she never made me feel like I didn’t belong. I had never been so sore in my life as I was the next day, but I was hooked.
I was drawn to the idea that I could regulate my nervous system through controlled breath work and mindful movement. I don’t think I realized how constricted my breath had become due to my anxiety, and I was pleasantly surprised by how much more relaxed and balanced I felt after a good practice.
When I enrolled in teacher training in 2015, I had no intention of actually teaching. As an introvert, I didn’t think teaching was something I’d be interested in, my intention was just to strengthen my own personal practice. I discovered that I really enjoy teaching and sharing this practice with others, and I find it particularly rewarding when a student shares that yoga has helped them in some aspect of their lives. I truly believe that yoga is for everybody! You don’t have to be the strongest or most flexible to practice; you just have to show up on the mat.